Get to know the story of De Tuin Der Kunsten.
Hello I am Charlotte! I would like to take you into the story of De Tuin Der Kunsten.

Interior composer with a passion for art, interior design and colour
As an interior composer I would like to take you into my world in which passion is central. With De Tuin Der Kunsten I want people with a passion for art, interior design and colour. For me there is no definition of art, but art to me is everything that gives you a warm feeling, that has a soul. I want to be able to share this with people who also have this. Do you also want to be moved by a beautiful thing, work of art or an interior accessory? Are you looking for an object or painting that matches your home and the color of your interior? A cozy and warm interior in which you live and want to feel good? With De Tuin Der Kunsten I want to bring together people with a passion for art, curiosities and interior design. Styling your interior with small beautiful things. Beautiful things that match the color of your interior...